
Wedover Fun Bus Cost

EASY to use Side by Side comparison of each Company!

How Much is Wendover Fun Bus? $FREE to $70 depending on which company and the length of stay.

Want to ride the Wendover Fun Bus for FREE? Utah Trailways Includes a Coupon book when you ride with them to Wendover that offers a Free Bus ride! They also allow Maverick Player cards ranked as a Maverick to ride for FREE! Yes there is a hook… you must game at the Nugget or Red Garter Casino using the Maverick Gaming Card.

Currently Le Bus offers No opportunities to ride free.

(Please Note this information was current as of
1/03/2023 and is subject to changes, always check with company when
booking for current cost and promotion

Utah Trailways Logo
Call  to Reserve (801) 466-5001
For Online booking Click Me!

$$$ How Much to Ride?

to either one of these Casinos! 

Nugget Casino
Red Garter
Utah Trailways rate card
LeBus Logo
Call to Reserve (801) 975-0202
For Online booking Click Me!

$$$ How Much to Ride?

to either one of these Casinos!

Rainbow Casino and Hotel
Montego Bay Casino

Compare Prices 


Same Day Round Trip

(Walk On - NO reservation)

(Pre-Booked Online)

(Pre-Booked by Phone)

Overnight or Extended Stay

(Walk On - NO reservation)

(Pre-Booked Online)

(Pre-Booked by Phone)



*See pricing table for discount rate

Free - $40

Free -$40

Free - $40

Free -$80

 Free - $40

Free - $40

Le Bus 







Utah Trailways Maverick Card Pricing Structure  

Utah Trailways Price

Every time you ride to Wendover on the Wendover Fun Bus you will receive a coupon book to use while you are there. Each company provides different coupons. Below is a easy to use comparison of what’s included with each coupon book  

Compare Ride to Wendover 

MAXIMIZE your Comfort 

Alcohol Permited on Bus  

Food Permited on Bus

Hostess Available 

Bottled Water Available on Bus



YES on way there

YES (Snacks)



Le Bus





Compare Coupon Books 

MAXIMIZE your Value 

Casino Slot Free Play

Lucky Bucks Cash

Free Cocktail Drink

Food Credit

Gift Shop Discount

Free Starbucks Coffee 

Coffee Morning after Coffee House

Free Bus Ride

Free Hotel Room




2 Coctail Credit


1 Beverage

1 Coffee

50 One Club tier credits required

125 One Club tier credits required

Le Bus



 1 Cocktail Credit

1 time 15% Off